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My Beloved Fellow Voters and Residents:

This upcoming election is simply about our survival and resilience as a people. Prosperity of Life as we all knew then is extremely difficult now and we face much hardship than ever before.

But like our ancestors from time immemorial and our pioneering and visionary leaders of our modern Marianas who have survived generations and who managed to rebuild our islands after the ravage of WW2, having been caught in a crossfire of foreign powers, we, too must rise up and face our challenges because we are strong and we are determined. We have survived typhoons after typhoons and a global pandemic and we will not let our guards down…not ever.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”, as quipped by former US President Barack Obama.

This campaign, therefore, is about Hope to Believe in an enduring legacy of our timeless resilience as a people. I am running as YOUR Independent candidate for YOU—our common folks; Hita ni Mamopbli, ni Manna’ma’si’—who deserve nothing less than a safe home with a roof full of love and respect and with meaningful jobs, knowing we are healthy, safe, and happy.

Our Founding Marianas Fathers fought for and the US negotiators promised US—through our COVENANT—“…a progressively higher standard of living for its people as part of the American economic community and to develop the economic resources needed to meet the financial responsibilities of local self-government. (Section 701). I will relentlessly defend and secure OUR rights we are entitled to and to mobilize concerted efforts so the US can “…make available the full array of services, programs, & benefits…” (Section 703), as fellow US citizens through diplomacy and compelling legislation in view of our extenuating circumstances we face everyday.

Please join me in this enduring “taro roots” cause for “Hope to Believe in our future for social posterity & economic prosperity once again. We welcome your donations and contributions because your valued support means that “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

As Francis of Assisi said, “Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.”

Your selfless hearts and kindness will never be forgotten. Failure is NOT an option, People over Politics, No Special Interest ‼ I am Honored to Earn Your ✔OTE of TRUST.

Gi Ginefli’i’, Humbly,

Si John Bolis Gonzales