

    • Revisit Covenant Sec. 702 to restore and secure direly needed infrastructure funding for Luta, Sa’ipan, and Tinian (i.e. seaports, agricultural plots for families subsistence and/or small scale commercial through municipality Co-Ops, secondary and tertiary roads for residential, agricultural, and historical sites, public parks and recreational areas for families, children, and youth, cultural spaces and parks to preserve, teach, and promote indigenous Chamorro, Carolinian, and other diverse cultures who call our NMI home.
    • Public Hospitals Infrastructure
        • Justify and Request comprehensive infrastructure funding to Improve our hospital facilities in Sa’ipan, Luta, and Tini’an and furnish them with the latest medical equipment, laboratory, information and communication technology to better medically care for our people right here at home and reduce the exorbitant cost of medical referral abroad.
    • Utilities Infrastructure
        • Explore federal funding to build new power plants with fuel efficient and environmentally sustainable engines to reduce the prohibitively high cost of utility bills for our people